Bus acceleration lane Lange Reihe

The Lange Reihe is right outside our office door in the suburb of St. Georg, and is characterised by inner-city building development with residential, retail and gastronomic usage. The planning carried out was part of the city program for accelerating the Metro buses and was therefore aimed at strengthening public transport. The central location, outdoor gastronomy and a committed district advisory council ensured considerable public interest and extensive discussions during the successful planning implementation.

The bus stops were repositioned at the edge of the road, and traffic light cycles were adapted so that journey times were reduced and comfort for the passengers was increased. Barrier-free crossing locations with tactile signing were set up for those with mobility restrictions and visual impairments.

For reasons of the tight road cross-section and the restricted width of adjacent surfaces, both the technical traffic planning and construction-phase traffic management were extremely detailed and required intensive coordination. Innovative solutions were required for traffic management during the construction phase, and these included changing the direction of a one-way street in order to protect the residents from increased traffic levels.

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